The right job for you

We want you to find a job that matches with your passions and interests. Think about these, along with your skills and experience, to decide which jobs are right for you.

Teaching roles

We have more than 2,200 schools throughout the state, ranging from small one-teacher country schools to large metropolitan high schools. There are selective schools for academically gifted students, and other specialist schools such as agriculture, technology, performing arts and sports high schools. We also have multi-campus colleges, environmental education centres, distance education centres and schools for children with special needs.

teach.NSW is the department's dedicated teacher portal, promoting a wide range of programs that offer great career opportunities for both current and future teachers in NSW public schools.

School leader roles

School leaders are responsible for educational programs and learning outcomes, the management and professional development of their staff, school finances and property, and the relationships between the school and its community. They understand education because they are accomplished teachers themselves.

Our school leaders are passionate about the role of public education in Australian society. By ensuring every child, regardless of their circumstances or background, has the opportunity to develop academically and socially, our public schools are a vital pillar of an inclusive democracy.

Your career journey

Whatever your previous work and life experience, there are career opportunities for you in Education.

Your career journey at Education can take you on new paths, with unexpected opportunities to move sideways as well as up and the professional support to help discover new talents and interests.